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Statement From John Thorne - General Counsel HTIA On Senate Approval Of Andrei Iancu As Under Secret

WASHINGTON, Feb. 5, 2018/ “The High Technology Inventors Alliance (HTIA) congratulates Mr. Iancu on his quick confirmation by the Senate. The Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) serves a critical role in encouraging innovation and creating jobs. We look forward to working with him to improve patent quality and to maintaining a successful Inter Partes Review (IPR) program.

“The America Invents Act created an excellent IPR process that has enhanced patent quality and provided an alternative to costly patent litigation. As custodian of this system, we trust Mr. Iancu will work to make sure that the system remains strong. “

The High Tech Inventors Alliance is comprised of eight technology companies: Adobe, Amazon, Cisco, Dell, Google, Intel, Oracle and Salesforce. These companies have over 447,000 employees in the United States, have invested $62.9 billion in research and development in the past year and hold a total of over 115,000 U.S. patents.

Press Contact Eileen Doherty White House Writers Group, Inc. 202-295-2315

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